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How artificial intelligence and big data are fighting COVID-19 in Africa
A collaboration led by York University researchers in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health is using artificial intelligence (AI) to define public health policies and interventions.
Twitter shows lower-to-middle income countries have higher unemployment post pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the global economy. Here, we compare and analyze the macroeconomics of three different countries with distinct income levels, namely, lower-middle (Nigeria), upper-middle (South Africa), and high (Canada) income.
AI helps to identify new COVID-19 hotspots in Gauteng
Accurate modeling is one of the tools being used to fight the COVID-19 pandemic globally. It is essential for policy makers, experts and the population to get access to reliable information on the evolution and severity of the pandemic based on relevant and robust advanced analytics and modeling.
AI-powered algorithm released to detect the third wave in South Africa
An artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithm that has been designed by the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University) in partnership with iThemba LABS, the Provincial Government of Gauteng and York University in Canada, shows that there is a low risk of a third infection wave of the COVID pandemic in all provinces of South Africa.
Algoritmo impulsado por IA lanzado para detectar la tercera ola en Sudáfrica
Un algoritmo basado en inteligencia artificial (IA) que ha sido diseñado por la Universidad de Witwatersrand (Universidad de Wits) en asociación con iThemba LABS, el Gobierno Provincial de Gauteng y la Universidad de York en Canadá, muestra que existe un bajo riesgo de una tercera ola de infección de la pandemia de COVID en todas las provincias de Sudáfrica.
As Covid-19 cases surge, SA expands vaccine programme
(Bloomberg) – South Africa is expanding its coronavirus-inoculation programme as the pace of vaccine deliveries accelerates, acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane said.
Bad news for Gauteng province. Corona Virus infections are rising rapidly.
Gauteng province is one of the in land provinces in South Africa. It is famous for its industrial land and opportunities for growth thus housing a big population of South Africa.
Bad news-COVID 4th wave expected to hit SA,
The committee, close by Premier David Makhura, was leading an oversight visit on Monday at the Itireleng Community Healthcare Center in Soweto.
Covid -19 fourth wave is announced lock down might take place
People were told that the province reported a 300% rise in cases over the last week, much higher than expected given the history of the pandemic. He added that the province was now awaiting further data, independent from what had already been received.
Expert warns of second Covid-19 surge in Gauteng
“The possibility of such a surge is very high if population adherence to public health measures reduces,” said University of the Witwatersrand professor Bruce Mellado.
Gauteng Covid-19 visualisation platform enables monitoring, prediction
A visual analytics tool is helping the Gauteng government visualise prediction models provided by the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) to see predicted active Covid-19 cases, as well as predicted hospital bed availability over time.
Gauteng records 78% COVID-19 recovery rate
Over 194 000 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Gauteng; more than 152 000 of them have recovered.
Gauteng has recorded a 78% recovery rate in the number of people infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the past week. The number of daily infections has also decreased.
Good news about Covid-19 third wave in Gauteng
The seven-day rolling average for infections detected in the densely populated province, which includes Johannesburg and Pretoria and accounts for the bulk of the national caseload during the current wave, dropped to 11,503 on Tuesday, from 11,647 on Saturday
J&J vaccine reduces COVID infections by half among health workers,according to a new study.
Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine cuts the risk of getting infected with the disease by about half, according to the latest results of a trial involving almost half a million health workers in South Africa.
York University News and the office of the provost spotlighted me as a leader within SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals through the use of AI to improve health in the global south
The success of a 2021 agreement between York University and the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa to tackle COVID-19 across Africa, has led to a grant expanding the scope of the project throughout the Global South.
Joining forces to work with Black communities to build equitable, resilient governance strategies & increase Black communities' preparedness for future diseases and climate disasters.
A group of professors affiliated in various ways with York University’s African Studies Program join forces to create a unique, interdisciplinary research cluster focusing on adaptive knowledge, response, recovery and resilience in transnational Black communities.
Leveraging Natural Language Processing to inform policies. Twitter shows lower-to-middle income countries have higher unemployment post-pandemic.
Lower-to-middle-income countries still struggle with high unemployment rates after COVID-19 lockdowns and economic restrictions, unlike higher-income countries such as Canada, finds a new study led by York University with the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
Leveraging Natural Language Processing to inform policies. High unemployment rates in lower, mid income countries after Covid
In contrast to higher-income nations like Canada, lower-to-middle-income countries still experience high unemployment rates in the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns and economic restrictions, according to a recent study conducted by York University in collaboration with the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.
How artificial intelligence and big data are fighting COVID-19 in Africa.
A collaboration led by York University researchers in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health is using artificial intelligence (AI) to define public health policies and interventions to contain and manage the spread of COVID-19 in Africa.
The Lebanese Physicians Podcasts
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the limitations of global pandemic monitoring systems, leading to varied responses worldwide. This episode features Antoine Saab, PhD, discussing his project "Strengthening Lebanon's pandemic surveillance system through AI-driven automation of laboratory data," funded by the Canadian AI4PEP program.
Scientists gather for sixth Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Scientists from across the world have gathered at the Cape Town International Convention Centre for the sixth Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics. This is the first time that the conference is being held in Africa.
This Canadian university is using AI to help combat infectious diseases in 16 countries in the Global South
The goal is to design health-care solutions based on local data from different sources and to develop and train AI algorithms to address specific needs such as predicting outbreaks in a set region.